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Grid Exporter Tool Guide

Grid Exporter Tool:

Important Information:

This is first and foremost a developer tool; it is not user-friendly and contains many limitations. The conversion process from Space Engineers to Space Engineers 2 is imperfect and many blocks will not be exported. Additionally, information such as block names will be lost, and subgrids are not supported.

How to install (new world):

To install the mod in a new world, select a new world in the carousel and press “Customize.”

Next, select “Choose mods.” Experimental mode must be enabled.

How to install (existing world):

To install the mod on an existing world, select a world in the “Load Game” menu and press “Edit Settings.”

Next, press the “Mods” button.

How to install:

Press the “Browse Workshop” button.

Filter to mods (the gear) and search for the grid exporter. Then, click on the checkbox to subscribe to the mod.

Finally, exit the Workshop Browser, select the “Grid Exporter” mod, and press the “Activate Mod” button. If the mod does not appear in the menu, press “Refresh.”

Press “OK” to finalize the changes, and then load the world. You can verify the mod is correctly loaded by looking at the in-game chat box; a message will appear.

How to export a grid:

After loading into a world with the mod loaded and identifying the grid you want to export, look at the grid and type the command /export by using the in-game chat box (press Enter).

You can verify that the correct grid is targeted by looking at the red-green-blue Axis that is drawn on the target block.

This axis is used by developers to help identify the transformations needed for converting a block from Space Engineers to Space Engineers 2

There are some parameters that can be given to the export command, they can be used to tell the exporter how unknown blocks should be handled.

The first parameter determines whether unknown blocks should be replaced with armor, while the second parameter determines if unknown blocks that are without physics should be replaced with armor, such as lights.

The following command will replace all unknown blocks with armor in the export:

The following command will remove all unknown blocks from the export:

After you have exported a grid, a lot of text will appear in the chat. For users, the most important part is the final chat message, which contains the path to the exported grid.

Use the file explorer to locate the file in the path.

How to import to Space Engineers 2:

Then, copy that file to a folder called “SE1GridsToImport” into the Space Engineers 2 Appdata folder.

When you load a world, all grids in the folder will be converted into the Space Engineers 2 format. If there are any errors, a notification will appear in the top right corner, with additional information placed into the log files.

Finally, your exported grid will be visible in the blueprints menu.

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